Mentoring Strategy: ten elements in a mentoring strategy that has full integration into the fellowship of the church as its goal.
On page two of the PDF: Important things to remember before each mentoring meeting.
For each step in the mentoring process, links are provided to related BcResources and to those available for download or purchase ($) from NavPress and Amazon.
10-Step Mentoring Strategy
- Assurances and the enemy:
Beginning with Christ- Navigators’ Beginning with Christ packet and verses ($; also via Amazon)
- Navigator’s The Wheel (i.e., the basic Christian life; free)
- Getting into the Word of God:
Studying the Bible- BcR’s Study Blank for a Passage (free PDF)
- Navigator’s Word Hand Illustration (free; also as PDF)
- Navigator’s Topical Memory System ($; also via Amazon)
- A neutral place, set time, consistency
- Talking to God:
The Devotional Life- Prayer; Journal
- Five steps: (1) Wake up; (2) Settle down; (3) Draw near; (4) Pray through; (5) Move on
- Confirming your choice:
Dealing with Persecution- Harassment of family, relatives, and former friends
- Dealing with spouses and children
- Winning others:
Sharing the Faith- Navigators’ Bridge to Life booklet (free; also as PDF). Printed booklets (tracts) also available for purchase via Amazon and NavPress)
- Navigators’ One-Verse Evangelism (free; also as PDF)
- Personal testimony
- Opening and closing the conversation
- All the way with Christ:
The Cost of Discipleship- The Lord’s words in Luke 14.25-35 … cf. Matthew 10.32-39; 16.24-27; Mark 8.34-38; 9.35-37; 10.41-45; Luke 9.57-62; 17.33
- The nature of discipleship and its tension with cultural expectations
- A conversion message
- Loving Christ and the church above all else; cf. “first place in everything” (Colossians 1.15-20).
- BcR’s Colossians audios on Lordship and preeminence of Christ (esp. Col 1.17-18a, 1.18b) mp3 audio
- Honoring the Lord for real:
The Tithe- Dealing with money; Biblical stewardship
- BcR’s Biblical View of Financial Responsibility (includes Maimonides’ Eight Levels of Giving).
- Becoming the right kind of person:
The Character of the Christian- BcR’s chart: The Beatitudes (Mt 5)
- BcR’s article: Vice and Virtue Lists of the New Testament
- BcR’s article: NT Servant Passages from the household codes
- Character, attitudes, and speech
- BcR’s flowchart: Perceived Offense and Protecting the Accused (Mt 18)
- What it means to learn:
Spiritual Authority- BcR’s study: Understanding Spiritual Authority
- The two ways: the way of the wise; the way of the foolish
- My church:
Baptism- BcR’s mp3 audio of ncBc’s 2011 Baptisms
- Obligations to the fellowship
- Expectations and discipline
Important things to remember before each mentoring meeting
- Pray for them —
- The key to spiritual power
- It weakens resistance.
- Find the right place; set the right time —
- A neutral place that is appropriate; check mood and look out for interruptions.
- The time must be regular — no longer than 1½ hours.
- Be ready to meet pressing needs —
- Be aware of their life situation.
- Always bring money.
- “LEAD” them —
- Listen
- Empathize
- Ask
- Disclose
- … ask open-ended questions and be sure to reassure.
- Teach them — five steps:
- Tell them why.
- Show them how.
- Get them started.
- Keep them going.
- Have them pass it on.
PDF ver. 2014-03-01
2pp. 4.67 x 7.08″ .06 mb
PDF version history:
2014-03-01: Updated SKU
2009-12-01: New release
For additional discipleship and ministry tools, visit (at a separate site) the Navigators’ Resources page.
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