ncBc Grammar

Download a Hebrew grammar and syntax summary to accompany your exegesis of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament.

The twenty page PDF, viewable and freely downloadable, includes a two-page “Hebrew Syntax Summary” for quick access to key syntactical concepts and their location in key Hebrew grammars.

Additional pages provide further detail and more specific references to beginning, intermediate, and advanced Hebrew grammars:

  • Orthography and Phonetics
    • Alphabet and Vowels
    • Accents and Syllables
  • Prefixes, Adjectives, Nouns
    • Prefixes: Articles, Prepositions, Vav Conjunction
    • Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns
    • Segholates; Construct Relationship
  • Pronominal Suffixes w. Prepositions, Particles, Nouns, and Verbs
  • Verbs
    • Binyānîm / Stems
    • Two Finite Conjugations
      • Perfect (qatal; suffixed) and its Aspect
      • Imperfect (yiqtol; prefixed) and its Aspect
    • One Volitional and Three Non-Finite Conjugations
      • Desires, Prohibitions, Commands — including the Imperative Conjugation
      • Two Infinitive Conjugations
      • The Participle Conjugation

Note, at the top and bottom of the embedded PDF, the icons for downloading or full-screen viewing.

PDF ver. 2020-04-08
20pp 8.5 x 11″ 700 kb

PDF version history:
2020-09-02: Public release to bcresources.net
2020-04-08: New internal release for ncBc classes

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