In the flowchart Knowledge, Faith, and Choice the spine highlights the progression: authority, opinion, ignorance, teachable, knowledge of, belief, belief in, and certainty.
- Authority — by force or consent
- Opinion — thinks he knows, but not sure he is right
- Ignorance — knows that he does not know
- Teachable — open to know
- Knowledge of — knows and knows why he knows
- Belief — knows the truth and accepts it
- Belief in — believes the truth and embraces it
- Certainty — relational as well as rational
The PDF flowchart shows additional details, contrasts, and explanations.
PDF ver. 2014-03-01
1 p. 7.08 x 9.5″ .1 mb
PDF version history:
2014-03-01: Updated SKU
2008-11-10: New release
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