Paul’s Journeys and the Early Centers of Christianity includes a relief map supplemented by an outline listing Paul’s travels.
- Map is 7.08 x 4.67, landscape; outline is 4.67 x 7.08, portrait (i.e., will fit back-to-back in 5×8 slip)
- Centers: Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth, Rome, and Alexandria
- Paul’s three missionary journeys each begin from Antioch in Syria.
- Route of the first journey and its base city — Antioch
- Route of the second journey and its base city — Corinth
- Route of the third journey and its base city — Ephesus
- Journey from Caesarea to Malta to Rome
Some details (e.g., writing of epistles) are not recorded in Acts and do not appear in the PDF version (below).
- The first journey (13.1–14.28; c. 47–48 CE)
- Syria: Antioch, Port of Seleucia
- Cyprus: Salamis, Paphos
- Pamphylia: Perga
- Pisidia: Antioch
- Galatia: Iconium, Lystra, Derbe; Lystra, Iconium
- Pisidia: Antioch
- Pamphylia: Perga, Port of Attalia
- Syria: Antioch — Paul writes Galatians — Paul attends the council in Jerusalem (15.1-35; c. 48 CE)
- Syria: Antioch
- Phoenicia, Samaria
- Judea: Jerusalem
- Syria: Antioch
- The second journey (15.36–18.22; c. 49–51 CE)
- Syria: Antioch
- Cilicia
- Galatia: Derbe, Lystra, Iconium
- Phrygia, Galatia (not Asia), Mysia (not Bithynia)
- Port of Troas, Island of Samothrace, Port of Neapolis
- Macedonia: Philippi, Amphipolis, Apollonia, Thessalonica, Berea
- Achaia: Athens, Corinth (c. 18 months; his first visit) — Paul writes First Thessalonians, Second Thessalonians.
- Port of Cenchrea, Ephesus, Port of Caesarea, Jerusalem
- Syria: Antioch
- The third journey (18.23–21.26; c. 52–57 CE)
- Syria: Antioch
- Galatia, Phrygia
- Asia: Ephesus (c. 2+ years) — Paul writes the lost letter referred to in 1Co 5.9. — Paul writes First Corinthians from Ephesus — Paul makes the hasty, “painful” visit to Corinth referred to in 2Co 2.1 (his second visit). — Without going to Corinth, Paul visits Macedonia to collect for the poor and then returns to Ephesus. — Paul writes Second Corinthians from Ephesus
- Through Macedonia to Achaia: Corinth (for winter; the “third visit” of 2Co 12.14; 13.1) — Paul writes Romans from Corinth.
- Macedonia: Philippi
- Troas, Assos, Mitylene, Kios, Miletus (farewell to Ephesians)
- Cos, Rhodes, Patara
- Tyre, Ptolemais, Caesarea
- Judea: Jerusalem (Temple)
- The road to Rome (21.27–28.31; c. 57–62 CE)
- Judea: Jerusalem (Temple), Caesarea (imprisonment; c. 2 years)
- Sidon, Myra, Cnidus, Fair Havens, Malta (shipwrecked), Syracuse (c. 1 year)
- Italia: Rhegium, Puteoli, Rome (house arrest; c. 2+ years) — Paul writes Colossians–Philemon, Ephesians, Philippians from Roman house arrest.
PDF version:
Note the PDF’s relatively large, 5 mb, download size.
PDF ver. 2014-03-01
1 p. 7.08 x 4.67, 4.67 x 7.08″ 5 mb (larger size)
PDF version history:
2014-03-01: Updated SKU
2008-09-05: New base relief map style
c. 2008: New release
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