Parables of the Inter-Advent Kingdom: their significance is for churches in the Inter-Advent Kingdom. The literary structure is reflected by the indented shape and by changes in color.
Highlights include:
- In Matthew 13.3b-35, Jesus speaks parables to the crowds and religious leaders by the sea; in Matthew 13.36.52, Jesus explains and speaks parables to the disciples in their house.
- “Sower and the Soils” (1-9; explained 18-23) — “Productive Nature of the Kingdom” requires believers to have responsive hearts to God’s Word.
- “Tares among the Wheat” (24-30; explained 36-43) and the “Bad Fish among the Good Fish” (47-50) — “Permissive Nature of the Kingdom” requires true believers to recognize the counterfeit nature of much of the church’s visible membership.
- “Mustard Seed and the Tree” (31-32) and the “Leaven and the Meal” (33) — “Progressive Nature of the Kingdom” requires believers to accept small beginnings before large results.
- “Hidden Treasure” (44) and “Pearl of Great Price” (45-46) — “Priceless Nature of the Kingdom” requires believers to value the kingdom as worth a total dedication of their lives.
PDF ver. 2014-03-01
1 p. 4.67 x 7.08″ .05 mb
PDF version history:
2014-03-01: Updated SKU
2011-04-27: New release
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