The and websites, including all of the posts and resources of, are the original intellectual property and the copyrighted works of Mike Sperou, Kevin Mitchell, and north clackamas Bible community (ncBc).
We are generous and your use is generally encouraged, but, for reasons listed below, permission is restricted to classroom and personal use that gives appropriate attribution; permission is denied for any commercial use or derivative works not expressly granted by ncBc (i.e., by written authorization).
Further explanation
The and sites and its works are protected by copyright and/or applicable law. North Clackamas Bible Community provides this copyright information in the interest of helping you enjoy using our materials for classroom and personal use. To maintain quality, ensure version control, and retain the right to other types of publishing in the future, use is subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Public License entitled “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).” Any use of the work other than as authorized under this license or copyright is prohibited. By exercising any rights to the work provided here, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms of this license. See the following details on limitations, and explicit permissions.
Attribution. May not be used without proper attribution.
Non-Commercial. May not be used for profit or in any commercial setting.
No derivative works. You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. No re-posting of PDFs. Of course we encourage websites, bloggers, etc., to make links to the BcR posts containing PDFs, but you may not download, upload, and re-post your own copies of our PDFs, DOCs, MP4s, etc., to your own servers for others to download.
Permission for classroom and personal use
Again, we provide this copyright information in the interest of helping you enjoy using our materials for classroom and personal use. The following permissions are granted without reservation and without need to obtain written permission:
Educational. Use, with proper attribution, in educational and non-commercial settings
Download. Download individual resources (e.g., PDFs) from our site.
Personal storage. Store for personal retrieval.
Print. Print for personal and classroom use.
Links are encouraged! Link to the site and individual posts (refrain from direct links to PDFs to avoid missing revisions; do not re-post PDFs to alternative servers).
Thank you. Enjoy!
We appreciate you respecting our concerns and helping to protect the quality of these resources. Contact ncBc for permissions to waive any of the specified limitations. You will find us to be generous people!