Baptism: Video Explaining the Meaning and Significance of the Ordinance
In a 30-minute video, the testimonies and baptisms of two members of north clackamas Bible community occasioned an introductory message explaining the meaning and significance of the ordinance of baptism.
Yehud in the Time of Nehemiah; Rebuilding the Walls of Jerusalem (set)
Set of two maps aids the study of Nehemiah 1-6. A relief map highlights the Persian provinces that surrounded Yehud (Judah). A second map focuses on Jerusalem, highlighting the route of Nehemiah’s inspection and the locations of the workers he led in the rebuilding of the city walls. Both resources can be downloaded as a…
Returns from Exile; Postexilic Timeline (set)
Set includes two resources, a map and a timeline. A relief map of the ANE shows the major returns from exile under the leadership of Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah. A timeline covers the period from 612-430 BCE: the fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple; the edicts of Persian leaders that permitted returns from…
Spiritual Formation according to Aristotle’s Causal Paradigm
A chart describes Spiritual Formation, the sanctifying work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, according to Aristotle’s Causal Paradigm. Utilizing Aristotle’s “Four Causes” was a key approach to dogmatics used by the post-Reformation dogmaticians for establishing theological loci. The one-page downloadable PDF chart illustrates how this contributes to an understanding of the dynamics of…
Adult Studies
ncBc’s adult curriculum rests upon biblical, theological, and auxiliary studies … and five core disciplines: The one-page downloadable PDF chart summarizes these studies and their core disciplines. PDF ver. 2022-12-011 p. 8.5 x 11″ .05 mb0100020-ncb-adult-studies-cht-bcrx-221201.pdf PDF version history:2022-12-01: New release Adult Studies | End | To the top ↑