Italian Peoples c. 800 BCE

In addition to the neighboring Carthaginians and Illyrians, highlighted on the map Italian Peoples c. 800 BCE are the following peoples inhabiting the peninsula on the eve of the Roman Period of Kings (753-509 BCE):

  • Latins
  • Gauls
  • Ligurians
  • Etruscans
  • Umbrians
  • Oscans
  • Campanians
  • Greeks

Note the PDF’s relatively large, 9.1 mb, download size.

PDF ver. 2014-03-01
1 p. 7.08 x 7.08″ 9.1 mb (larger size)

PDF version history:
2014-03-01: Updated SKU
2011-11-30: Additions
2011-07-15: Additions
2011-07-12: New release

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