Psycho-Social Non-Biblical Views of Humanity

For each of eleven views the chart Psycho-Social Non-Biblical Views of Humanity shows the view’s perspective on humanity’s problem and the view’s proposed solution to humanity’s problem.

  • Five Freudian views:
    1. Psychoanalysis
    2. Ego psychology
    3. Psychosocial
    4. Transactional analysis
    5. Problem solving
  • Four Existential views:
    1. Existential
    2. Functional
    3. Client-centered
    4. Gestalt
  • Two other views:
    • Cognitive
    • Behaviorism

PDF ver. 2014-03-01
1 p. 7.08 x 9.5″ .05 mb

PDF version history:
2014-03-01: Updated SKU
2013-08-16: Minor text changes
2013-08-09: New release

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