Patterns of Praise: An Introduction to the Psalms

The article Patterns of Praise: An Introduction to the Psalms, with its charts and examples, serves as a quick reference both to reading and studying the Psalms as a whole and as individual psalms.

An introductory chapter focuses on collections, composition, settings, forms, and an approach to the psalms. The remaining three chapters highlight the setting, typical structure, and particular themes of the laments, thanksgivings, and hymns.

PDF ver. 2014-03-01
34 pp. 8.5 x 11″ .7 mb

PDF version history:
2014-03-01: Updated SKU (cf. v. 1.5)
2011-10-18: New release to site (cf. v. 1.4)
pre-2011: multiple internal releases

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